Specialists in Automotive & Mobility offers benchmark

Try our 100% online service and start comparing the automotive financing offers for your market.
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Access our benchmark tool in 3 simple steps

  • 1
    Select one offer package
  • 2
    Configure your package
  • 3
    Pay online and access your data immediately
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We have built an extensive database of automotive financing offers

Our granular analytics and intuitive comparison tool enable our customers getting the most valuable insights from the data
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Frequently asked business questions answered

Is there a time limit for data usage?

Once purchased, you will be able to access your benchmark data as many time as you want, or download the data directly on your device. Data will be available for 12 months.

Can I buy a subscription plan?

For subscription plans, please contact us at info@mobirar.com.

Which brands are included in the analysis?

We include more than 20 automotive brands in our analysis, representing the largest share of the market. We continuously integrate new brand and new model in our analysis.

For more details about the brands and models included in the benchmark perimeter, please check the Product Page.

What type of offers and data you collect?

We analyse B2C financing offers for passenger vehicles. We will soon integrate light commercial vehicle offers as well.

For each offer, we collect all the information available in the legal mention according to local market legislation.

For more details about the benchmark methodology and offers details, please check Product Page.
